Catnip Tea for Hooman

from $8.00

Loose Leaf Catnip Tea!

Did you know that catnip is great for relaxation and calming for humans?

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) belongs to the mint family and has historically been used to treat various ailments. It's soothing effects make it a great addition to tea blends, especially for consumption in the late afternoons. How fun! How peculiar!

You are right. They also taste quite good. Here we present our 4 custom blended teas with catnip:

1 oz(28g) per bag

-Mewberry Morning-

This refreshing blend of white tea, blueberries, and lemon is a great way to start your morning. The pleasant aromas and crisp citrus notes are sure to awaken your creative juices!


Dried Catnip, White Tea, Green Tea, Blueberries, essence of lemon.

-Earl of Catnip-

Procured from the secret stash of Lord Purrcival XVII. A fancy cat requires a fancy tea and this unique take on the classic Earl Grey certainly delivers! Our blend features a strong essence of bergamot oil to fully compliment the light, minty aroma of dried catnip.


Dried Catnip, Assam black tea, orange peel, rose hips, cornflowers, bergamot oil, and essences of vanilla and lavender

-Catmomile Dream-

This 100% herbal tisane is also 100% cat friendly! William MacGregor’s loves to snuggle up with this soothing blend of Catnip, chamomile, and rooibos herbs. Hoomins will find this tea to be light, creamy, and soothing. Your feline companion might be a bit more…energetic in their enthusiasm.


Dried Catnip, Chamomile flowers, dried Rooibos

-Spicy Catnip Chai-

This spicy blend is a purrfect fit for the ruggedly handsome Phoenix S. Banderas! We start with a bold, spicy chai mixed with chocolate and red peppercorns, then add catnip to help take the edge off of the blend. The result is a crisp, aromatic tea with a complex bouquet of spiced chocolate.


Dried Catnip, Assam black tea, Cacao Nibs, Red Peppercorn, Cloves, Cardamom, and other spices.

Caffeine is NOT safe for cats to ingest, so we do not advise sharing a cup with your cat unless it is “Catmomile Dream.” If you must use our other teas with your feline companion, please do so in dried form only and do not let them ingest or eat any of the tea.

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